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Getting started

Step 1: Create Your Account

If you choose to use Gooo Cloud you would go thru these steps:

  • Click “LOGIN / REGISTER” link in the top menu.
  • After you have created an account, you need to fill in some mandatory info (ex. country) under the menu “USER” -> “USER INFO”.
  • The last step is to sign up for a Nextcloud account “SERVICES” -> “NEXTCLOUD ACCOUNT”.

It is important that you contact us if you want your own Nextcloud server (as an organisation or company). All the above focuses on an account as you know it from Office365 or Google Drive.

  • Visiting the provider’s website.
  • Choosing a subscription plan that fits your needs.
  • Registering by providing necessary details like your email address and choosing a secure password.
Step 3: Accessing Your Dashboard

After creating your account, log in to your Nextcloud dashboard. This is where you’ll manage all your files and access various tools. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the interface. You’ll find:

  • Files: Your main file storage area.
  • Photos: A place to store and view your images.
  • Activity: Keeps track of your interactions within Nextcloud.
  • Contacts: Where you can manage your contacts.
  • Calendar: For managing your schedule.
Step 4: Uploading Files

To start using Nextcloud to manage your files:

  • Click on the “Files” tab in your dashboard.
  • Use the “+” button or drag and drop files into the browser window to upload them.
  • Create new folders to keep your files organized.
Step 5: Sharing Files and Folders

Nextcloud makes it easy to share files and collaborate:

  • Right-click on any file or folder and select “Share.”
  • You can then add the email addresses of people you want to share the file with.
  • Adjust the permissions for each person, deciding whether they can edit or just view the files.
Step 6: Installing Additional Apps

Nextcloud’s functionality can be extended through apps:

  • Go to the “Apps” section in your dashboard.
  • Browse or search for apps that meet your needs, such as task management, note-taking, or enhanced security features.
  • Install the apps and they will integrate seamlessly with your dashboard.
Step 7: Setting Up Mobile and Desktop Clients

For easier access, you can set up Nextcloud clients on your mobile devices and computers:

  • Download the Nextcloud client from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android), or the desktop client from the Nextcloud website.
  • Connect the app to your account using the credentials you created.


Getting started with Nextcloud for your business can significantly enhance how you manage data and collaborate on projects. By following this guide, you can set up your Nextcloud account and begin exploring its extensive features tailored to boost productivity and data security in your business environment. Enjoy the benefits of having full control over your digital workspace with Nextcloud.