As in "Go"! - (BETA)
Open source - Privacy


Take Control of Your Data!

Worried about data breaches or non-compliance? Our core solutions are exclusively hosted in European-owned data centers. For those times your data needs to travel elsewhere (other providers) we do encrypt-on-transit.

Don’t just store your data—protect it.

What is Nexcloud

Get started with a one-click solution. Read more..

Small business

You may need a scalable MQTT broker, with no (unreasonably) limits on devices or traffic for a fixed price.


Can you make us a fast VPN network, with our own Nextcloud instance and Git repository application. With monitoring and backup? Yes we can!


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Our Services

Service Management

Sometimes you need to focus on your core business. We are agnostic in our practices and only use opensource components.

Security focused

We avoid interactions with the big cloud providers. We use European data centers that operates under European law. We use encryption where we can and use open source code that can be audited by a larger audience.

Kubernetes Consulting

We do consulting in Kubernetes. We can also deliver a ready K8s cluster for as low as 200 EUR a month.

How do we operate?

We like decentralized organization, anchoring our core endpoints in Europe to align with the standards of data protection and operational excellence within the EU. Our architecture, rooted in the micro services paradigm, enables us to dynamically scale and distribute our resources, leveraging existing data centers and providers that align with our criteria for privacy and feasibility. At the heart of our operation is a commitment to open-source technology. This commitment not only fuels our adaptability and innovation but also ensures we remain infrastructure-agnostic, sidestepping the pitfalls of vendor lock-in. Through this approach, we maintain the flexibility to choose the best solutions for our needs and the needs of our customers, fostering an environment where privacy, transparency, and efficiency coexist seamlessly.

“At our core, we envision a better world shaped by an open society, the open-source ethos of transparency and collaboration. We are steadfast in upholding constitutional fundamentals, including human rights, privacy, freedom of speech, and transparency, guiding our actions with ethical integrity. Our mission goes beyond business; it’s about contributing actively and positively to the world and the open-source ecosystem, recognizing that our work stands on the shoulders of others. We commit to giving back, to nurture and fortify the very foundations that enable our growth. – Be part of our journey to foster a transparent, free, and ethical digital realm, where our collective efforts resonate with meaningful impact.”

Why Choose Us


We believe in Confidentiality and Integrity, which is why we only operate with open source code. We also believe in agnostic and standardized software, to be free, agile and prevent vendor lock-in. That’s why we only operate on UNIX or UNIX-like systems.


We are experienced in IT operation and Certified Kubernetes Administrators


We keep an eye on the services running in our clusters. But, we are also fast and responsive when we get requests from our customers.

Get a service up and running today!