As in "Go"! - (BETA)
Open source - Privacy
  • Getting started

    Step 1: Create Your Account If you choose to use Gooo Cloud you would go thru these steps: It is important that you contact us if you want your own Nextcloud server (as an organisation or company). All the above focuses on an account as you know it from Office365 or Google Drive. Step 3:…


  • What is Nextcloud!

    You know Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive? If so, consider Nextcloud the Open Source alternative used by governments, companies and individuals all around the world. In a time where data protection and privacy is more crucial than ever, Nextcloud is a powerful Open Source platform that puts you in control of your data. Think of…


  • Welcome to Gooo.Cloud!

    Welcome to Gooo.Cloud. We are currently not ready for users on this platform, we expect to go live in Beta stage between April-June. What is Gooo.Cloud you probably ask! It is an attempt to provide a European alternative to the existing “cloud” solutions. We will use existing open-source technologies and turn around the existing business…


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